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Why you need to hear

the system you already own…

Most of you who have gotten this far into my website probably owns a music system comprised of a collection of equipment that has grown over time, often from different dealers or secondhand. Even if your "original" system was carefully set up, the chances are that over time and through the changes it has undergone, it's lost its state of tune and is no longer delivering the performance of which it's capable.


All too often, the first response to this situation is to "upgrade," to change something in search of the missing magic, the performance you've lost. But that first response is also generally your first mistake. How can you accurately gauge the benefits or performance of your "upgrade" if you can't hear what the system it has to work with is capable of in the first place? Your first step should always be to find out what the existing system can do: you will be surprised…


Because I don't sell equipment (or accessories), I only have one agenda – to get the best possible performance out of the system you already own. If something needs changing, I will help you find the best solution to your problem(s) and fit your system context. That might mean the sexy new preamp you had your eye on, but more often than not, it's an inexpensive little something that can be purchased at your local hardware store.


Any visit starts with a phone conversation. The more advanced information I have, the better the job I can do, but I also want to discover why you are searching for more performance from your existing system. It might be a specific problem or a case of "It's just not doing it for me anymore, " which is a perfectly good answer. The point is that your sizeable investment in your system needs to deliver. I will ask you about what is in your current system, what changes you have made, and the physical characteristics of your listening room. I'll also ask you about the music you listen to and why.

Consider this reconnaissance. There's no point in paying me to come and optimize your system's performance if there are basic things that need correcting first. Once we've got the groundwork, we can start working in detail. It's another example of why investing in setup and optimization isn't just the only way to improve your system; it demonstrates my commitment to making it the most cost-effective way. I apply years of experience and considerable patience to refining system performance through repeated, minute adjustments. It's time-consuming and exacting – and my time is money. That's why you don't want me doing the essential spadework that's best completed before I arrive.


What do I do once I get "hands-on" with your equipment? Please look at the How I Do It section to learn more about what's involved. But here's something to consider -

Q: What is it that really transforms even the most modest home audio system into an essentially musical experience? 

A: Eliminating any noise or sound that is not part of the music. 


Most people think audio performance is all about the noise a system makes, but it's really the noise it doesn't make that is important. It's a straightforward concept: The challenge lies in defining, locating, and eliminating that noise.


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